Alberta Technology Job Creation Rebate
Alberta’s greatest natural resource has always been innovation. It’s what unleashed the potential of the Athabasca Oil Sands, turning possibilty and theory into a booming economic reality. Time and again, Albertans have proven that by applying and commercializing innovation in agriculture, energy, health and manufacturing, we can unleash economic prosperity and diversification.
Digital and Creative Technologies (DCT) present the next generation of innovative possibilities for Alberta’s economy across all sectors. It is an economic driver that is seeing exponential growth worldwide, and though Alberta has significant strength in this area, we have yet to tap into our full potential in this industry.
Digital Alberta, Edmonton Global, Calgary Economic Development, and the Edmonton Screen Industries Office, along with industry partners, have proposed the Alberta Technology and Innovation Job Creation Rebate (ATIJCR). The proposed rebate compliments the Government of Alberta’s recent announcements in the technology and innovation sector, while providing additional support for established and growth-stage companies to expand and grow competitively in Alberta. The ATIJCR will directly support job creation and recommends incremental incentives to create opportunities for new graduates and encourage diversification in the industry.
Please fill in the following form as a signal of support for the Alberta Technology and Innovation Job Creation Rebate from you and/or your organization.