Eating disorders in the internet age
June 2, 2017
Digital Alberta summer reading list
July 4, 2017Have you ever noticed that when you gather around a campfire with your friends, the best stories and ideas come out? (Uber for cats? Genius!) As the night goes on, the crackling flames soon fade to embers. You need to fan them to keep them alight, but when you do, they’re the hottest and most intense.
It’s a little like the digital industry. We all need a little fanning to burn brighter and keep the great ideas sparking. Thus: the Digital Alberta Ember Awards.
All totally lit metaphors aside, we’re excited to announce that this year’s awards will take place in Edmonton on September 23rd at the stunning Art Gallery of Alberta.
Pushing for Better
The Ember Awards are a chance to celebrate the great work done in our province, while also highlighting opportunities for growth. We believe Alberta deserves a place on the world stage. The only way we’ll get there is by sharing our successes and challenging one other to be more innovative and creative.
The Event
The night will be chockfull of healthy competition, networking, and polite frivolity. The awards allow us to connect as a community and acknowledge the best work in our industry. President of Digital Alberta, Peter Bishop, describes the Ember Awards as being like a wholesome family reunion. But without the coleslaw. Or at least, with less coleslaw.
New Awards
To keep our finger on the pulse, we’ve introduced several new categories this year.
You can now submit for:
- Best E-Commerce Website
- Best E-Commerce Campaign
- Best Gaming Experience (in browser, mobile, desktop, or console)
- Best Video Game Playable Through Immersive Technology (such as AR or VR)
- Best Massive Open Online Course
- Best Educational Programs (K-12 and post-secondary)
For a complete list of all Ember award categories, visit here.
Discounts for Award Winners
Have you already won an award for you work? We want to see it! We’re offering discounts to anyone who would like to submit winning work from this year’s ACE Awards or Ad Rodeo Anvils. Don’t miss the chance to showcase your digital work with more creatives across Alberta.
If you are interested in sponsoring a category for this year’s Ember Awards, be sure to contact claire@liftinteractive.com and heleena.webber@zgm.ca. Sponsorships operate on a first-come-first-served basis so reach out as soon as possible to secure your spot.
More to Come!
Stay tuned for more info on early bird ticket sales, award entry opening and much more. Make sure you mark your calendars and join us Saturday, September 23 at the Art Gallery of Alberta for this year’s Ember Awards!