Digital Alberta is seeking an Executive Director
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Digital Alberta is seeking an Executive Director
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Support from Alberta Innovates brings new opportunities to longstanding interactive and digital media association 

Digital Alberta, a not-for-profit organization dedicated to connecting, growing, and promoting Alberta’s world-class digital talent, is excited to announce the hiring of our first Executive Director, Alecia Peters.

“We are thrilled to welcome Alecia aboard the Digital Alberta team in this milestone hire for our organization,” says Scott Nye, Chair of the Digital Alberta Board of Directors. “Alecia’s experience and connections will help grow our skills-building efforts in Alberta, as well as reach new audiences. The Digital Alberta Board is excited to work with Alecia as she builds out her team and develops programs and initiatives to support our members and broader industry.”

The hiring of Peters was accelerated by the support of recently announced funding from Alberta Innovates through its Ecosystem Development Program. 

For more than 20 years, Digital Alberta has served as the province’s interactive and digital media industry association — working with a committed group of volunteer board members to create programs, events, and content to connect and champion Alberta’s digital talent. This new funding will accelerate Digital Alberta’s strategies in support of the digital community in the province, and the role this industry plays in Alberta’s broader tech ecosystem.

As part of her new role, Peters will actively work to accelerate and promote growth and new collaborations within Alberta’s interactive digital media community, act as a conduit between industry and government, and encourage talent development in the province.

“I’m excited to join Digital Alberta as the first Executive Director,” says Peters. “This association is poised for growth as we’re at a critical tipping point in advancing our tech ecosystem and diversifying Alberta’s economy. I look forward to being a champion for the amazing creative, interactive and digital technology companies in our province that are driving innovation and creating shared prosperity. Digital Alberta is creating a vibrant, connected and inclusive community that will deliver value for members through programming, connections and advocacy. I’m grateful to work with a committed and visionary board who believes in the impact of a strong interactive digital media sector in our province.”

Based out of Calgary, Peters comes to Digital Alberta with a vast array of senior business development experience in the innovation and technology space in Alberta, having spent several years as Director of Innovation at Calgary Economic Development. She has numerous connections in and knowledge of the digital community in Alberta.