Edmonton Screen Industries Office offering industry support

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Edmonton Screen Industries Office offering industry support

Photo by Nik Shuliahin on Unsplash

The Edmonton Screen Industries Office (ESIO) has re-opened its Industry Support Grants Program.

The ESIO was launched in 2017, and acts as a catalyst, cultivator, and stimulator for the screen media industries in the Edmonton metropolitan region. This includes both traditional film and video, as well as interactive digital media, such as video games and virtual reality.

The Industry Support Grants Program is exclusively for enterprises that have been resident and operational in Edmonton for a minimum of one year. 

“When we initially opened the program in March of this year, there was much uncertainty due to COVID-19,” explains Grants Officer Shay Wilson. “We wanted to give companies another opportunity to access these grants, now that plans have been adjusted/reoriented.”

We are prioritizing support of initiatives that can demonstrate a potential impact on Edmonton economic development.”

Companies / media professionals can submit applications for a variety of needs, including business consultation, training, software and equipment, marketing, and networking costs. 

The deadline to apply is September 14, 2020, at 11:59 pm.

The ESIO also offers an ongoing Edmonton Screen Media Fund, which is available to audiovisual and interactive digital media enterprises in Edmonton, at any stage of their project or venture.

More details on the Edmonton Screen Industries Office’s funding opportunities can be found here.

Training opportunities

The ESIO are also hosting a virtual workshop series throughout the rest of this year and into 2021, and are looking for input on workshop topics that would be relevant to the interactive digital media community. To provide feedback, or sign up to receive updates on other programs and initiatives, please email the workshop organizers.


Meagan Hampel
Meagan Hampel
An expert in technology communications with over 10 years of experience, Meagan is well-versed in translating complex topics into stories that can be understood by anyone. She spent four years working as a science reporter in the UK, covering a diverse range of research and industry breakthroughs. Since 2014, Meagan has led the communications team at Cybera, a not-for-profit, technology-neutral organization responsible for driving Alberta’s economic growth through the use of digital technology. She passionately believes in the importance of increasing the breadth and quality of Alberta’s digital resources, for the benefit of everyone. Meagan is also fascinated by new communications technologies, and the integration of multimedia tools with traditional storytelling.