Building the next gen of talent is one of Digital Alberta’s strategic pillars so we were excited to participate in Circuit Stream’s pitch day in May! Circuit Stream is a valued member of the […]
A new animation studio is opening in Calgary! Missing Sock Studios is a new division of Titan1 Studios, a Toronto based Gaming Studio, led by Founder […]
Tech and People Network released their “2022 Diversity in Tech Dashboard,” which reports year-over-year progress on the “representation of equity-deserving groups” in Canada’s tech sector. The […]
This month’s Community Conversation webinar explored funding programs that businesses can apply for to leverage student talent. Digital Alberta was joined by representatives from MITACS, Venture […]
As one of Digital Alberta’s strategic pillars, which is to BUILD THE TALENT PIPELINE, our aim is to engage with educational institutions and support the growth […]
Racing is bigger than ever with the popular Netflix Drive to Survive series chronicling the lives of the drivers, managers and team owners in Formula 1. […]